Photo of Cthulu

YU YihSheng (Spencer)

IP Director, AU Optronics Corporation (AUO).

Dr. YU has been working for AUO since 2004. He leads IP team for the company to handle international IP negotiation, licensing and litigation cases and manage IP work on creating robust patent portfolio, filing patent, evaluation and utilizing patent asset, such as acquisition, sale, monetization and financing, and strategic patenting for research projects. He also plans and executes patent analysis for strategic acquisition and spin-off of new business for the company. AUO has been listed, several times, as a constituent stock in Ocean Tomo 300® index. Before joined AUO, he worked for a large research institute, ITRI, since 1992 and had been endeavored in converting innovation into patent asset of high value and creating patent portfolio, strategic patenting and re-designs of patenting for large research projects, and built various IP utilization models for maximizing IP value. He earned Ph.D. from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law and Master degree from University of New Hampshire, School of Law, B.S. from Tatung University and is a China patent agent.